Жезлы Гора


It is worth to stress that the greater part of our weaknesses and illnesses begin with disharmony between two fundamental flows of energy (Time) — the BA and KA or Yin and Yang, which the "Wands of Horus" are harmonizing.

Regular work with the "Wands of Horus":

- Stimulates the 6th and 7th energy shells. As the result a beam of light, possessing special characteristics appeart over the head of the one holding the wands in hands;

- Restores the rhythm of the first three energy bodies resulting in a synchronization of the user's energy structure with that of the Earth; energy channels are activated, their carrying capacity , increases as does sensitivity;

- Decreases the interhemispheric asymmetry in the rear divisions of brain;

- Increases that alpha and beta activity of the cerebral cortex characteristic of the internal "scanning" of thought images;

- Restores the biological rhythm s of the body's organs and systems;

- Restores the organism's overall energy balance;

- Encourages the excretion of internal contaminants (in conjunction with sea-salt baths) ;

- Makes it possible to harmonize one's inner psycho-emotional state, to balance the nervous system and the work of the internal organs, to improve blood circulation, correct the bio-energy field which is a decisive condition for the development of a mental and parapsychological potentials that open up the way to deep meditative states.

- By restoring the user's overall bio-energy rhythm creates conditions for entering the energy flow which is a decisive condition for the development of parapsychological and psychic abilities.

- Stabilizes the energy potential acquired during meditation and practical activities, including those employing natural sources of energy;

- Is a powerful means of cancer protection, stabilizing mutation processes associated with the activation of the human energy system (see the section on why the "Wands of Horus" were created and also "Cancer and the Method of Fighting It" in the instructions for using the Wands of Horus)

- Restores and enlarges the energy shell through which diagnosis and influence upon a patient takes place.


It is worth to stress that the greater part of our weaknesses and illnesses begin with disharmony between two fundamental flows of energy (Time) — the BA and KA or Yin and Yang, which the "Wands of Horus" are harmonizing.

Regular work with the "Wands of Horus":

- Stimulates the 6th and 7th energy shells. As the result a beam of light, possessing special characteristics appear over the head of the one holding the wands in hands;

- Restores the rhythm of the first three energy bodies resulting in a synchronization of the user's energy structure with that of the Earth; energy channels are activated, their carrying capacity , increases as does sensitivity;

- Decreases the interhemispheric asymmetry in the rear divisions of brain;

- Increases that alpha and beta activity of the cerebral cortex characteristic of the internal "scanning" of thought images;

- Restores the biological rhythm s of the body's organs and systems;

- Restores the organism's overall energy balance;

- Encourages the excretion of internal contaminants (in conjunction with sea-salt baths) ;

- Makes it possible to harmonize one's inner psycho-emotional state, to balance the nervous system and the work of the internal organs, to improve blood circulation, correct the bio-energy field which is a decisive condition for the development of a mental and parapsychological potentials that open up the way to deep meditative states.

- By restoring the user's overall bio-energy rhythm creates conditions for entering the energy flow which is a decisive condition for the development of parapsychological and psychic abilities.

- Stabilizes the energy potential acquired during meditation and practical activities, including those employing natural sources of energy;

- Is a powerful means of cancer protection, stabilizing mutation processes associated with the activation of the human energy system (see the section on why the Wands of Horus were created and also "Cancer and the Method of Fighting It" in the instructions for using the Wands of Horus)

- Restores and enlarges the energy shell through which diagnosis and influence upon a patient takes place.

Through stimulation of the energy system the Wands of Horus cause an increase in the size and density of a user's aura which makes the process of diagnosis using the hands significantly easier.

One of the problems that psychic healers encounter when trying to make a diagnosis relying on the sensitivity of their hands is a lack of thickness and density in the surrounding shell that reflects the state of a person's organism. The depressed state of the shell may be due to a disruption of the energy balance and energy losses caused by disease and a number of other factors.

Even a brief session with the "Wands of Horus" improves a patient's general energy condition, enlarging the energy shell, which makes diagnosis using the hands easier and more successful.

The scientific experiments conducted by K.G. Korotkov, who works in the Centre for Energy-Information Technologies at the St Petersburg State Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics, using the Kirlian diagnostic method, showed informational clarification of the indicators of disease in people holding the "Wands of Horus". In other words, in certain cases the Wands of Horus can significantly increase the accuracy of diagnosis when using the Kirlian method.

Through stimulation of the energy system the Wands of Horus cause an increase in the size and density of a user's aura which makes the process of diagnosis using the hands significantly easier.

One of the problems that psychic healers encounter when trying to make a diagnosis relying on the sensitivity of their hands is a lack of thickness and density in the surrounding shell that reflects the state of a person's organism.

The depressed state of the shell may be due to a disruption of the energy balance and energy losses caused by disease and a number of other factors.

Even a brief session with the Wands of Horus improves a patient's general energy condition, enlarging the energy shell, which makes diagnosis using the hands more successful.

The scientific experiments conducted by K.G. Korotkov, who works in the Centre for Energy-Information Technologies at the St Petersburg State Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics, using the Kirlian diagnostic method, showed informational clarification of the indicators of disease in people holding the Wands of Horus.

In other words, in certain cases the Wands of Horus can significantly increase the accuracy of diagnosis when using the Kirlian method.

Professor, K.G. Korotkov

This illustration clearly shows a breach of the energy shell in the head area. Diagnosis was carried out after a 15-minute session with the wands. This presentation of the pathological area was due to an increase in the size and density of the aura, making disruptions within it easier to spot.

It should be stressed that the effectiveness of a healer's influence upon a patient is also dependent on the size and density of the aura through which the influence on their condition takes place. A weak, thin aura can be one of the reasons for ineffective influence at the energy level.

Thus to make diagnosis and treatment more effective, the healer should encourage a patient to work with the "Wands of Horus" for 30–40 minutes before a healing session. This will increase the size and density of the patient's aura.

The "Wands of Horus" and copper patches are part of a palaeotechnology that was also used by the ancient priests to prepare and treat the sick.

This illustration clearly shows a breach of the energy shell in the head area. Diagnosis was carried out after a 15-minute session with the wands.

This presentation of the pathological area was due to an increase in the size and density of the aura, making disruptions within it easier to spot.

It should be stressed that the effectiveness of a healer's influence upon a patient is also dependent on the size and density of the aura through which the influence on their condition takes place.

A weak, thin aura can be one of the reasons for ineffective influence at the energy level.

Thus to make diagnosis and treatment more effective, the healer should encourage a patient to work with the "Wands of Horus" for 30–40 minutes before a healing session.

This will increase the size and density of the patient's aura.

The "Wands of Horus" and copper patches are part of a palaeotechnology that was also used by the ancient priests to prepare and treat the sick.

Considering the colossal experience of the ancients, it can stated with assurance that the use of the "Wands of Horus" and pyramids is of powerful assistance to healers in their work with patients.

The pyramid's structuring and stimulating field and the copper patches will encourage the deeper action of both "Wands of Horus" and healer on the human organism.

Considering the colossal experience of the ancients, it can stated with assurance that the use of the "Wands of Horus" and pyramids is of powerful assistance to healers in their work with patients. The pyramid's structuring and stimulating field and the copper patches will encourage the deeper action of both "Wands of Horus" and healer on the human organism.