Жезлы Гора

What was the aim
behind the creation
of the "Wands of Horus"?

From the Wands of Horus book by Valery Uvarov, 2004

A certain portion of the spiritual inheritance of Ancient Egypt was obtained by the priests in the pyramids during "communication with the gods".

The "initiations" or "dedications" carried out in the pyramids were an inseparable part of a programme of spiritual transformation for a priest or pharaoh.

"Dedication" revealed to the initiate a different reality of the world and conveyed a massive energy-and-information potential.

What a priest encountered during "intercourse with the gods" influenced his view of the universe, his attitude to the world and to people.

A person who had experienced "intercourse with the gods" came away with a changed consciousness and certain super-normal abilities were opened up in him.

In order for the "dedication" to be successful, the priest or pharaoh had to undergo special preparation that included freeing the organism of dross by fasting and purging diets.

Then the intended initiate had to harmonize his nervous-emotional state.

The inner calm (without which the "dedication" would have had a negative effect) that is often mentioned in the texts of The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day was achieved by synchronizing the individual's bio-energetic rhythms with the rhythms of the Earth's energy system.

The missing element in the practices and instructional programmes of present-day schools of spiritual development is a knowledge of the fundamental properties of the "Human Being-Earth-Universe" system, those properties that determine the choice of method for the development of consciousness, their acceptability and effectiveness.

Consequently account is not taken of highly important peculiarities of human genetics that make it possible to discover and activate within a person special abilities properly and without risk to life only if that person's energy structure is synchronized with the energy structure of the Earth in accordance with a model that reflects the nature of their energy bodies.

All the present-day schools of parapsychology, "out-of-body experience", remote viewing, rebirthing, development of alternative viewing, cosmo-energetics or psychotraining lack what was a highly important preparatory stage in the "priestly schools" of the Ancients.

The negative situation that exists in the field of training today is made worse, too, by the fact that the established conception of the development of abilities as the step-by-step mastering of one element, then another is erroneous in respect of the practices listed above.

In following the accepted stereotype people inevitably fall into a "trap", from which they cannot then escape on their own.

Consequently the result of practices that do not take account of the genetic peculiarities of energy bodies will in a real sense be nothing, or in the worse case highly deleterious. It is for precisely this reason that many of the world's religions look on such practices as heresy that brings harm. That kind of attitude is a sort of unconscious defensive reaction to a danger which people do not recognize, having long since lost the knowledge.

What is the fundamental point of that knowledge?

It is founded upon the doctrine of "the structural unity of the Human Being and the Universe" that formed the basis of the ancient perception of the world.

In the hierarchy of the life-giving nature of the Universe, the human being is a child of the Earth.

The Earth, and not the Cosmos, gave birth to earthly humanity and consequently, the human energy structure resembles the energy structure of the Earth as its mother organism.

The human being has a material body and so does the Earth.

The human being has seven energy bodies with doubles of the organism's most important systems, and the Earth also has seven.

That is where the parallels end.

Book of the Earth, part A,
personification of water clock.

The seven spheres symbolize the seven energy bodies (heavens).

At the present stage of human development, a person's energy bodies are of tremendous importance.

An individual's energy structure consists of a number of energy bodies that contain matrices (doubles) of the most important systems in the human organism (circulatory, nervous, endocrinal) with the exception of the digestive system that has no double in any of the human energy bodies.

Let us examine the construction of the first three energy bodies of the human being, as they are the ones that played a key role in the process of preparing a priest for "intercourse with the gods".

Matrixes of energy shells
of human body

If we picture the human energy systems as a series of three-dimensional holograms, removing from the set the hologram that is the first energy body, we see in it the matrix of the system of energy canals.

Exactly copying the circulatory system, the intricately branching network of energy channels creates a framework (or matrix), a sort of energy skeleton.

In the process by which the organism is formed, the biological tissues "grow around" (copy) the matrix of energy channels to form the circulatory system.

In the circulatory system the vessel acts as a channel along which the blood flows, while the energy channel, that is the principle vessel, vibrates at a certain frequency and structures the biological water in the blood, endowing it with special properties.

The speed and quality of the control signals coming from the endocrine system depend on the conductivity of energy channels and the electrical conductivity of biological water, which plays a decisive role in the dynamics of immune processes.

This very factor is extremely important in the mechanism of metabolic and hormonal processes regulating the processes of the living organism.

If by the same analogy we remove from the energy system the hologram of the second (astral) energy body, we find there the matrix (double) of the sympathetic peripheral nervous system.

Separating out the third (mental) component from the human energy system, we find in it the matrix of the sympathetic peripheral and central nervous systems.

Any sort of nervous of emotional stress provokes changes in the second and third energy bodies (disruption of the vibratory rhythms).

These changes lead to a destabilization of the energy structure of the second and third energy bodies that then causes discomfort, nervous and psychological disorders.

Hence the three energy bodies we have identified are directly responsible for bio-energetic rhythms and our nervous-emotional state.

The quintessence of this important section of the ancient knowledge consists of this:

Genetically the human being is constructed in such a way that if a person's energy and biological rhythms are within the norm then his or her energy system and consciousness spontaneously begin to interact (synchronize) with the energy-information system of the Earth.

Certain psychic abilities, clairvoyance and clairsentience begin to awaken within him or her. And this occurs spontaneously in the most natural way.

However, it is a genetic peculiarity of the human energy system that when it synchronizes spontaneously its energy bodies inevitably begin to resonate with those of the Earth in turns!

First the first energy body, then the second and then the person inevitably falls into the "trap".

This is the inescapable result of any sort of exercises or practices intended to activate the energy (hidden) potentials of the human being.

For that reason it is possible to state with certainty that all clairvoyants and "contactees", without exception are in reality drawing information from the "network" (astral) energy-information structure.

This determines the quality, or rather lack of quality, of their information.

Because of this there have been times in history when information from this sort of "contactees" and prophets caused humanity such great harm that the Jewish people even introduced the death penalty for prophets whose predictions failed to come true.

The loss of knowledge about the genetic peculiarities of the energy bodies and the need to synchronize them in the correct way leaves people with no chance of avoiding an unhappy outcome.

The overwhelming majority of clairvoyants, contactees, prophets, seers, fortune-tellers and other "gurus" disagree aggressively with this truth, but the facts are stubborn and the truth remains true, however bitter it might be.

This has been a serious problem for humanity over many millennia already.

This is how the ancients overcame the problem

The knowledge that was brought by "Shemsu-Heru" to Egypt long before its heyday and provided the foundation for Ancient Egyptian technologies goes way beyond the limits of what has been mastered now.

The Ancient Egyptian priests achieved the correction of disbalances and the restoration of the organism's bio-energetic rhythms that play the foremost role in the evolution of human beings and their abilities through the synchronization of the individual's energy system with that of the Earth.

They synchronized the vibratory rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the Earth with the bio-energetic rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the human being, since those are the ones responsible for the bio-energetic rhythm and nervous-emotional state.

«The Book of the Earth, Part A. Detail».

Despite the fact that the meaning of this part of the text remains a mystery to Egyptologists, it describes the technology used to activate the energy centres (red circles) of the human being and their synchronization with the energy structure of the Earth.

The three red figures in the top right-hand corner are symbols of the three energy bodies being synchronized.

In this context we must note an extremely important genetic peculiarity of the human energy bodies that they need to be synchronized not in turn (first the first, then the second and third), but all the first three energy bodies of the human being with the three first energy bodies of the Earth at once as a single Whole!

That is the reason why the three synchronizing bodies (painted red) in the mural are collectively enclosed by a barely visible line symbolizing the aura around them. The red color is a direct indication that these three energy bodies highlighted in red are directly responsible for the bioenergetic rhythm and neuro-emotional, i.e. mental condition.

In many ancient civilizations, red was used where it was necessary to indicate a certain connection with psi energies or to create a device for manipulating this type of energy.

The ancient Maya, for example, painted their temples and pyramids red because they served as accumulators of psi energies..

To correct a person's bio-energetic rhythms and synchronize them with those of the Earth, the ancient priests used the "«Wands of Horus»".

Vibrating at a frequency set (dictated) by the hypothalamus and pituitary on the one hand, and inducing in itself the oscillations of the Earth's energy system on the other, the «Wands of Horus», by intensifying those vibrations, restore and synchronize the bio-energetic rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the human being and the Earth simultaneously.

This made it possible to avoid the complications that arise from the spontaneous consecutive synchronization of the energy bodies.

Due to the fact that the second and third energy bodies contain the matrices of the peripheral and central nervous systems, in 100% of people working regularly with the «Wands of Horus» after as little as two weeks a pronounced stabilization (general calming) of the nervous system can be observed.

In the process of the restoration of the rhythms of all three energy bodies, the biorhythms of the entire organism are normalized, leading to:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • improved functioning of the internal organs;
  • a general correction of bio-energetic rhythms (the biofield);
  • stabilization of the nervous system engendering a state of inner harmony and calm.

Experiments over many years have confirmed that regular work with the «Wands of Horus», restoring vibratory rhythms, leads to the appearance of inner equilibrium and harmonization of the person's psycho-emotional state. This was a decisive condition for the correct preparation of a priest or pharaoh for "intercourse with the gods".

Effectively the «Wands of Horus» are synchronizers of people's biorhythms with the biorhythms of the Earth. As a consequence, if they work regularly and apply themselves, users acquire exceptional abilities.

What was the aim behind the creation of the "Wands of Horus"?

From the Wands of Horus book by Valery Uvarov, 2004
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
A certain portion of the spiritual inheritance of Ancient Egypt was obtained by the priests in the pyramids during "communication with the gods".

The "initiations" or "dedications" carried out in the pyramids were an inseparable part of a programme of spiritual transformation for a priest or pharaoh.

"Dedication" revealed to the initiate a different reality of the world and conveyed a massive energy-and-information potential.

What a priest encountered during "intercourse with the gods" influenced his view of the universe, his attitude to the world and to people.

A person who had experienced "intercourse with the gods" came away with a changed consciousness and certain super-normal abilities were opened up in him.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
In order for the "dedication" to be successful, the priest or pharaoh had to undergo special preparation that included freeing the organism of dross by fasting and purging diets.

Then the intended initiate had to harmonize his nervous-emotional state.

The inner calm (without which the "dedication" would have had a negative effect) that is often mentioned in the texts of The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day was achieved by synchronizing the individual's bio-energetic rhythms with the rhythms of the Earth's energy system.

The missing element in the practices and instructional programmes of present-day schools of spiritual development is a knowledge of the fundamental properties of the "Human Being-Earth-Universe" system, those properties that determine the choice of method for the development of consciousness, their acceptability and effectiveness.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Consequently account is not taken of highly important peculiarities of human genetics that make it possible to discover and activate within a person special abilities properly and without risk to life only if that person's energy structure is synchronized with the energy structure of the Earth in accordance with a model that reflects the nature of their energy bodies.

All the present-day schools of parapsychology, "out-of-body experience", remote viewing, rebirthing, development of alternative viewing, cosmo-energetics or psychotraining lack what was a highly important preparatory stage in the "priestly schools" of the Ancients.

The negative situation that exists in the field of training today is made worse, too, by the fact that the established conception of the development of abilities as the step-by-step mastering of one element, then another is erroneous in respect of the practices listed above.

In following the accepted stereotype people inevitably fall into a "trap", from which they cannot then escape on their own.

Consequently the result of practices that do not take account of the genetic peculiarities of energy bodies will in a real sense be nothing, or in the worse case highly deleterious.

It is for precisely this reason that many of the world's religions look on such practices as heresy that brings harm.

That kind of attitude is a sort of unconscious defensive reaction to a danger which people do not recognize, having long since lost the knowledge.

What is the fundamental point of that knowledge?

It is founded upon the doctrine of "the structural unity of the Human Being and the Universe" that formed the basis of the ancient perception of the world.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Book of the Earth, part A, personification of (water) energy clock.Detail. The seven spheres symbolize the seven energy bodies (heavens)
In the hierarchy of the life-giving nature of the Universe, the human being is a child of the Earth. The Earth, and not the Cosmos, gave birth to earthly humanity and consequently, the human energy structure resembles the energy structure of the Earth as its mother organism.

The human being has a material body and so does the Earth. The human being has seven energy bodies with doubles of the organism's most important systems, and the Earth also has seven.

That is where the parallels end.

At the present stage of human development, a person's energy bodies are of tremendous importance.

An individual's energy structure consists of a number of energy bodies that contain matrices (doubles) of the most important systems in the human organism (circulatory, nervous, endocrinal) with the exception of the digestive system that has no double in any of the human energy bodies.

Let us examine the construction of the first three energy bodies of the human being, as they are the ones that played a key role in the process of preparing a priest for "intercourse with the gods".
If we picture the human energy systems as a series of three-dimensional holograms, removing from the set the hologram that is the first energy body, we see in it the matrix of the system of energy canals.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Matrixes of energy shells of human body
Exactly copying the circulatory system, the intricately branching network of energy channels creates a framework (or matrix), a sort of energy skeleton.

In the process by which the organism is formed, the biological tissues "grow around" (copy) the matrix of energy channels to form the circulatory system.

In the circulatory system the vessel acts as a channel along which the blood flows, while the energy channel, that is the principle vessel, vibrates at a certain frequency and structures the biological water in the blood, endowing it with special properties.

This very factor is extremely important in the mechanism of metabolic and hormonal processes regulating the processes of the living organism.

If by the same analogy we remove from the energy system the hologram of the second (astral) energy body, we find there the matrix (double) of the sympathetic peripheral nervous system.

Separating out the third (mental) component from the human energy system, we find in it the matrix of the sympathetic peripheral and central nervous systems.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Any sort of nervous of emotional stress provokes changes in the second and third energy bodies (disruption of the vibratory rhythms).

These changes lead to a destabilization of the energy structure of the second and third energy bodies that then causes discomfort, nervous and psychological disorders.

Hence the three energy bodies we have identified are directly responsible for bio-energetic rhythms and our nervous-emotional state.

The quintessence of this important section of the ancient knowledge consists of this:

Genetically the human being is constructed in such a way that if a person's energy and biological rhythms are within the norm then his or her energy system and consciousness spontaneously begin to interact (synchronize) with the energy-information system of the Earth.

Certain psychic abilities, clairvoyance and clairsentience begin to awaken within him or her.

And this occurs spontaneously in the most natural way.

However, it is a genetic peculiarity of the human energy system that when it synchronizes spontaneously its energy bodies inevitably begin to resonate with those of the Earth in turns!

First the first energy body, then the second and then the person inevitably falls into the "trap".

This is the inescapable result of any sort of exercises or practices intended to activate the energy (hidden) potentials of the human being.

For that reason it is possible to state with certainty that all clairvoyants and "contactees", without exception are in reality drawing information from the "network" (astral) energy-information structure.

This determines the quality, or rather lack of quality, of their information.

Because of this there have been times in history when information from this sort of "contactees" and prophets caused humanity such great harm that the Jewish people even introduced the death penalty for prophets whose predictions failed to come true.

The loss of knowledge about the genetic peculiarities of the energy bodies and the need to synchronize them in the correct way leaves people with no chance of avoiding an unhappy outcome.

The overwhelming majority of clairvoyants, contactees, prophets, seers, fortune-tellers and other "gurus" disagree aggressively with this truth, but the facts are stubborn and the truth remains true, however bitter it might be.

This has been a serious problem for humanity over many millennia already.

This is how the ancients overcame the problem

The knowledge that was brought by "Shemsu-Heru" to Egypt long before its heyday and provided the foundation for Ancient Egyptian technologies goes way beyond the limits of what has been mastered now.

The Ancient Egyptian priests achieved the correction of disbalances and the restoration of the organism's bio-energetic rhythms that play the foremost role in the evolution of human beings and their abilities through the synchronization of the individual's energy system with that of the Earth.

They synchronized the vibratory rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the Earth with the bio-energetic rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the human being, since those are the ones responsible for the bio-energetic rhythm and nervous-emotional state.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
The Book of the Earth, Part A. Detail.

Despite the fact that the meaning of this part of the text remains a mystery to Egyptologists, it describes the technology used to activate the energy centres (red circles) of the human being and their synchronization with the energy structure of the Earth.

The three red figures in the top right-hand corner are symbols of the three energy bodies being synchronized.

In this context we must note an extremely important genetic peculiarity of the human energy bodies that they need to be synchronized not in turn (first the first, then the second and third), but all the first three energy bodies of the human being with the three first energy bodies of the Earth at once as a single Whole!

That is the reason why the three synchronizing bodies (painted red) in the mural are collectively enclosed by a barely visible line symbolizing the aura around them.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
To correct a person's bio-energetic rhythms and synchronize them with those of the Earth, the ancient priests used the "«Wands of Horus»".

Vibrating at a frequency set (dictated) by the hypothalamus and pituitary on the one hand, and inducing in itself the oscillations of the Earth's energy system on the other, the «Wands of Horus», by intensifying those vibrations, restore and synchronize the bio-energetic rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the human being and the Earth simultaneously.

This made it possible to avoid the complications that arise from the spontaneous consecutive synchronization of the energy bodies.

Due to the fact that the second and third energy bodies contain the matrices of the peripheral and central nervous systems, in 100% of people working regularly with the «Wands of Horus» after as little as two weeks a pronounced stabilization (general calming) of the nervous system can be observed.

In the process of the restoration of the rhythms of all three energy bodies, the biorhythms of the entire organism are normalized, leading to:
  • improved blood circulation;
  • improved functioning of the internal organs;
  • a general correction of bio-energetic rhythms (the biofield);
  • stabilization of the nervous system engendering a state of inner harmony and calm.
Experiments over many years have confirmed that regular work with the «Wands of Horus», restoring vibratory rhythms, leads to the appearance of inner equilibrium and harmonization of the person's psycho-emotional state.

This was a decisive condition for the correct preparation of a priest or pharaoh for "intercourse with the gods".

Effectively the «Wands of Horus» are synchronizers of people's biorhythms with the biorhythms of the Earth.

As a consequence, if they work regularly and apply themselves, users acquire exceptional abilities.

What took place in the pyramid (temple) during "intercourse with the gods" or "initiation" is called in parapsychology translocating clairvoyance, astral projection or "out-of-body experience".

Astral projection or out-of-body experience is the name of a method enabling people to temporarily leave their physical bodies and move in time and space in a non-material or "astral" body.

In the process of preparing a priest or pharaoh, "initiation" was the first stage in the programme of the "Priestly School". The idea of "initiation" or "dedication" was to show the priest a different reality of the world, contact with which made a person realise that his essence was immortal, being a part of the Single Creative Principle. In the course of this remarkable experience a person entered into communion with the boundless intelligence of his own divine nature. The priest saw the ray beyond all comparison (RA) proceeding from the Deity that was his own true inner essence. It was both literally and figuratively a second birth, in its very highest hypostasis.

At the next stage the aim of the practices performed by the priests in the temple complexes and pyramids was "contacts" intended to obtain particular information. A person partook of the most sacred "food" in the world, the spiritual nourishment given by the priests during "intercourse with the gods".

After passing through this stage, a priest or pharaoh became an Adept. His word became the "word of truth" or "maa heru". In papyrus texts this word always followed the name of the person to whom it referred and meant "one whose word was true and correct", in other words one whose word was acknowledged as such by the gods. The hieroglyphic texts say of such people that they enjoyed the favour of the gods in life and the delights of paradise after death.

Lacking an understanding of the practices behind the texts that describe them, Egyptologists in the main incorrectly interpret the word "maa heru" as "victorious" which bears no relation to the ideas and practices described in the texts.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Exit of the soul out of body
What took place in the pyramid (temple) during "intercourse with the gods" or "initiation" is called in parapsychology translocating clairvoyance, astral projection or "out-of-body experience".

Astral projection or out-of-body experience is the name of a method enabling people to temporarily leave their physical bodies and move in time and space in a non-material or "astral" body.

In the process of preparing a priest or pharaoh, "initiation" was the first stage in the programme of the "Priestly School".

The idea of "initiation" or "dedication" was to show the priest a different reality of the world, contact with which made a person realise that his essence was immortal, being a part of the Single Creative Principle.

In the course of this remarkable experience a person entered into communion with the boundless intelligence of his own divine nature.

The priest saw the ray beyond all comparison (RA) proceeding from the Deity that was his own true inner essence.

It was both literally and figuratively a second birth, in its very highest hypostasis.

At the next stage the aim of the practices performed by the priests in the temple complexes and pyramids was "contacts" intended to obtain particular information.

A person partook of the most sacred "food" in the world, the spiritual nourishment given by the priests during "intercourse with the gods".

After passing through this stage, a priest or pharaoh became an Adept.

His word became the "word of truth" or "maa heru".

In papyrus texts this word always followed the name of the person to whom it referred and meant "one whose word was true and correct", in other words one whose word was acknowledged as such by the gods.

The hieroglyphic texts say of such people that they enjoyed the favour of the gods in life and the delights of paradise after death.

Lacking an understanding of the practices behind the texts that describe them, Egyptologists in the main incorrectly interpret the word "maa heru" as "victorious" which bears no relation to the ideas and practices described in the texts.

Let us return to The Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Evidently when working on this ancient hermetical text translators encounter major problems as they were ignorant of the ancient knowledge.

Thus in their attempt to interpret unknown ideas and abstract concepts — energy, for example — they used the no less abstract concept "Thing".

Reading the text, we should realise that concealed behind the word "thing" is something connected with energy, and then the text of the Tablet will cast a little light on its secret for us, telling about the factor or synchronization as adaptation.

The text speaks of different states of energy (the thing): energy as a general, abstract concept and energy as essence, its special form, some special state into which it is transformed in the process of its evolution that involves planetary factors and the human being as a life-form capable of turning energy into psychic energy and even more complex states and forms of energy. The text contains a pointer to such a division. Here it is:

«You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill».

In the light of the ideas expounded here in the section on "The mechanism by which the Wands of Horus with coal and ferromagnetic filling operate", that fire, earth, subtle and crude are used in the texts as symbols of various energies possessing particular properties and structural characteristics that need to be separated from one another with great skill.

The theory of "the water of life" that Thales of Miletus brought from Egypt and Aristotles' corresponding pronouncement about "the basic principle of all things" also clearly demonstrates that the word "thing" has a dual meaning, covering both energy and its materialized state.

Now we shall look at what the Emerald Tablet has to say about synchronization:

«...And in the same way as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so all things were born of this single essence through adaptation.

The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother¹. The wind carried it in its womb. The Earth is its wet-nurse.

«This 'thing' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it turns into earth. You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill.

This 'thing' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, apprehending the power of both the highest and the lowest regions of the world. Thus you shall obtain the glory of the whole world. Because all darkness shall recede from you².

This 'thing' is the force of all forces, because it overcomes any, even the most refined thing and pierces any solid thing. Thus was the world made. Hence wonderful devices shall appear, the method of which is such."

Lets make the text accord better with the ancient knowledge and translate it into language that is more understandable to us:

« And in the same way as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so all things were born of this single essence through synchronization.

"KA is the father of this essence, BA its mother. The energy vortex carried it in its womb.

The Earth is the source of that energy.

"This 'Energy' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it turns into earth. You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill.

"This 'energy' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, acquiring the properties of both the highest and the lowest energy planes (bodies).

Using this mechanism you shall obtain the properties belonging to the energy bodies of the Universe. As a result you will free yourself of disbalances (all evil).

"This 'energy' is the force of all forces, because it is capable of transforming any, even the most refined thing and pierces any solid thing. Thus was the World made. Hence wonderful forms (energy states) are made, the mechanism of which is such".

¹ We remind the reader that "Sun" and "Moon" applied to the wands are symbols of Ka and BA.

² Throughout the ages "darkness" has represented evil, ignorance or pathological energies.
Emerald Tablet of Hermes, corona virus
Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis (The Emerald Tablet of Hermes)
Let us return to The Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Evidently when working on this ancient hermetical text translators encounter major problems as they were ignorant of the ancient knowledge.

Thus in their attempt to interpret unknown ideas and abstract concepts — energy, for example — they used the no less abstract concept "Thing".

Reading the text, we should realise that concealed behind the word "thing" is something connected with energy, and then the text of the Tablet will cast a little light on its secret for us, telling about the factor or synchronization as adaptation.

The text speaks of different states of energy (the thing): energy as a general, abstract concept and energy as essence, its special form, some special state into which it is transformed in the process of its evolution that involves planetary factors and the human being as a life-form capable of turning energy into psychic energy and even more complex states and forms of energy.

The text contains a pointer to such a division. Here it is:

«You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill».

In the light of the ideas expounded here in the section on "The mechanism by which the Wands of Horus with coal and ferromagnetic filling operate", that fire, earth, subtle and crude are used in the texts as symbols of various energies possessing particular properties and structural characteristics that need to be separated from one another with great skill.

The theory of "the water of life" that Thales of Miletus brought from Egypt and Aristotles' corresponding pronouncement about "the basic principle of all things" also clearly demonstrates that the word "thing" has a dual meaning, covering both energy and its materialized state.

Now we shall look at what the Emerald Tablet has to say about synchronization:

«...And in the same way as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so all things were born of this single essence through adaptation.

The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother¹.

The wind carried it in its womb. The Earth is its wet-nurse.

«This 'thing' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it turns into earth. You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill.

This 'thing' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, apprehending the power of both the highest and the lowest regions of the world. Thus you shall obtain the glory of the whole world. Because all darkness shall recede from you².

This 'thing' is the force of all forces, because it overcomes any, even the most refined thing and pierces any solid thing. Thus was the world made. Hence wonderful devices shall appear, the method of which is such."

Lets make the text accord better with the ancient knowledge and translate it into language that is more understandable to us:

« And in the same way as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so all things were born of this single essence through synchronization.

"KA is the father of this essence, BA its mother. The energy vortex carried it in its womb.

The Earth is the source of that energy.

"This 'Energy' is the father of all manner of perfection in the whole Universe. Its strength remains whole when it turns into earth. You separate earth from fire, the subtle from the crude carefully and with great skill.

"This 'energy' rises from the Earth to the heaven and descends again to the Earth, acquiring the properties of both the highest and the lowest energy planes (bodies). Using this mechanism you shall obtain the properties belonging to the energy bodies of the Universe. As a result you will free yourself of disbalances (all evil).

"This 'energy' is the force of all forces, because it is capable of transforming any, even the most refined thing and pierces any solid thing.

Thus was the World made. Hence wonderful forms (energy states) are made, the mechanism of which is such
¹ We remind the reader that "Sun" and "Moon" applied to the wands are symbols of Ka and BA.

² Throughout the ages "darkness" has represented evil, ignorance or pathological energies.

This warning applies in full measure to those who work in some way with subtle energies, as well as clairvoyance, channelling and generally all practices in the preparation for or performance of which a person spontaneously or through meditation, hypnosis or suggestion (regression hypnosis) enters "a different state of consciousness".

This list includes aimed at tapping into the information and energy field, mental translocation in time and space, to the past or future, irrespective of the declared purpose.
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
This warning applies in full measure to those who work in some way with subtle energies, as well as clairvoyance, channelling and generally all practices in the preparation for or performance of which a person spontaneously or through meditation, hypnosis or suggestion (regression hypnosis) enters "a different state of consciousness".

This list includes aimed at tapping into the information and energy field, mental translocation in time and space, to the past or future, irrespective of the declared purpose

A real "trap" for the unenlightened and self-assured is the informational-energetic interaction with the astral component of the global energy-information system. Thousands of years ago the priestly teaching was already warning about the "dark sides" of this plane of information and existence with which human beings are directly linked by their second energy bodies.

The priests described the astral plane, or rather the astral world, as the dwelling-place of the forces of evil embodied in Seth. In the ancient spiritual and mystico-religious tradition Seth, who brought much harm to humanity, was the "deity" to whom the ancients attribute the fall of Egypt.

In the KABALAON system Seth figures as the personification of the second "astral" component in the energy system of the human being and the Universe
(See Seth Factor for more on this subject).

God Seth, Wands of Horus
God Seth
A real "trap" for the unenlightened and self-assured is the informational-energetic interaction with the astral component of the global energy-information system.

Thousands of years ago the priestly teaching was already warning about the "dark sides" of this plane of information and existence with which human beings are directly linked by their second energy bodies.

The priests described the astral plane, or rather the astral world, as the dwelling-place of the forces of evil embodied in Seth.

In the ancient spiritual and mystico-religious tradition Seth, who brought much harm to humanity, was the "deity" to whom the ancients attribute the fall of Egypt.

In the KABALAON system Seth figures as the personification of the second "astral" component in the energy system of the human being and the Universe (See Seth Factor for more on this subject)

Traces of the lost integrity of knowledge can be found in many ancient hermetical texts.

Despite the distortions resulting from the influence of changing religious views, some texts preserved ideas that have their origins in deep antiquity.

The Poemandres of Hermes Trismegistos:

«…The birth of the 'seven persons' [seven energy bodies] took place in this way. Nature gave the four elements.

Earth was the female principle, water the life-creating element [male principle], fire brought things to maturity, out of the ether.

Nature received the life spirit and brought into the world a body in the image of the Human Being, a body of human form.

And the Human Being turned from life and Light into spirit and mind; spirit came to him from life, mind came to him from Light…»

Traces of the knowledge that the Earth was involved in the act of creating humanity have also been discovered with the Maya. It was preserved in the system that produced the Mayan calendar. Their annual cycle lasted 260 days.

They based their calculations on the idea that Mother Earth, like a woman, carries the fruit of her womb for nine months.

Those 260 days are not the cosmic cycle of some planet, but the earthly cycle of a pregnant woman.

The Mayan priests went on to multiply their 260-day cycle by 52. Then they divided the result by 365, producing three 12-year cycles with a small margin of error 37 years (a shift "mistake" of one year).

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Hermes Trismegistos
Despite the distortions resulting from the influence of changing religious views, some texts preserved ideas that have their origins in deep antiquity.

The Poemandres of Hermes Trismegistos:

«…The birth of the 'seven persons' [seven energy bodies] took place in this way. Nature gave the four elements.

Earth was the female principle, water the life-creating element [male principle], fire brought things to maturity, out of the ether.

Nature received the life spirit and brought into the world a body in the image of the Human Being, a body of human form.

And the Human Being turned from life and Light into spirit and mind; spirit came to him from life, mind came to him from Light…»

Traces of the knowledge that the Earth was involved in the act of creating humanity have also been discovered with the Maya. It was preserved in the system that produced the Mayan calendar.

Their annual cycle lasted 260 days.

They based their calculations on the idea that Mother Earth, like a woman, carries the fruit of her womb for nine months.

Those 260 days are not the cosmic cycle of some planet, but the earthly cycle of a pregnant woman.

The Mayan priests went on to multiply their 260-day cycle by 52. Then they divided the result by 365, producing three 12-year cycles with a small margin of error 37 years (a shift "mistake" of one year).

«…This is what was until then an arcane mystery.

Nature in combination with the Human Being accomplished the most astonishing of wonders.

The Human being consisted of air and fire like seven stewards (the seven essences of the seven spheres [energy bodies]);

Nature … gave birth to seven people, also male-females, that ascended to heaven [the seven energy bodies formed by flows of "BA-KA" or "Yin-Yang" energy, the male and female principles].

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Hermes Trismefistos
«…This is what was until then an arcane mystery.

Nature in combination with the Human Being accomplished the most astonishing of wonders.

The Human being consisted of air and fire like seven stewards (the seven essences of the seven spheres [energy bodies]);

Nature … gave birth to seven people, also male-females, that ascended to heaven [the seven energy bodies formed by flows of "BA-KA" or "Yin-Yang" energy, the male and female principles].

A lack of super-sensitivity or other abilities is an indicator of imbalance in the bio-energy rhythms of the energy channels and the conducting tissues of the organism.

Earlier we mentioned that a person's "aura" or "bio-field" is the product of interaction between the vibrations of the various energy bodies making up the human energy system.

Disruptions in the bio-energy rhythms of the organs, systems and energy bodies are caused by nervous stresses, improper diet and overeating, man-made electromagnetic radiation, microwaved food, ultrasound devices, muscle stimulators (myostatic innervation) and much more that has a negative effect on the human organism.

An extremely important aspect of the way the "Wands of Horus" operate on the human organism is the fact that the activation of the energy system induced by the wands is accompanied by an increased absorption of the Earth's energy flows that influence a person's aura, restoring the rhythms of its vibrations.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
A lack of super-sensitivity or other abilities is an indicator of imbalance in the bio-energy rhythms of the energy channels and the conducting tissues of the organism.

Earlier we mentioned that a person's "aura" or "bio-field" is the product of interaction between the vibrations of the various energy bodies making up the human energy system.

Disruptions in the bio-energy rhythms of the organs, systems and energy bodies are caused by nervous stresses, improper diet and overeating, man-made electromagnetic radiation, microwaved food, ultrasound devices, muscle stimulators (myostatic innervation) and much more that has a negative effect on the human organism.

An extremely important aspect of the way the "Wands of Horus" operate on the human organism is the fact that the activation of the energy system induced by the wands is accompanied by an increased absorption of the Earth's energy flows that influence a person's aura, restoring the rhythms of its vibrations.

Examples of "pseudo-contacteeship" are automatic writing, texts constantly coming into the mind, all manner of edifying spiritual homilies, obsessive ideas, voices calling to action, and so on.

Although they genuinely believe themselves to be "contactees" or conveyors of information from "above" there is no real contact and cannot be for a number of objective reasons.

Real "contactees", with whom contact is no chance occurrence, are very few in number. Compared with the mass of "pseudo-contactees" on Earth, they are a drop in the ocean and so (might not be considered) we need not examine them in the present context.

The information with which genuine contactees deal has nothing in common with the nonsense (like Exodus) that fills the shelves of esoteric bookshops.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Examples of "pseudo-contacteeship" are automatic writing, texts constantly coming into the mind, all manner of edifying spiritual homilies, obsessive ideas, voices calling to action, and so on.

Although they genuinely believe themselves to be "contactees" or conveyors of information from "above" there is no real contact and cannot be for a number of objective reasons.

Real "contactees", with whom contact is no chance occurrence, are very few in number. Compared with the mass of "pseudo-contactees" on Earth, they are a drop in the ocean and so (might not be considered) we need not examine them in the present context.

The information with which genuine contactees deal has nothing in common with the nonsense (like Exodus) that fills the shelves of esoteric bookshops

The term "Shemsu-Heru" is incorrectly translated as "the companions of Horus". Literally it means "the followers of Horus" and more precisely corresponds to the term "those who follow the way of Horus".

If we recollect that Horus symbolized the idea of harmony, the term "Shemsu-Heru" can also be translated as "those who follow the way of harmony" or the way of Ra.

The Shemsu-Heru were bearers of knowledge of a higher order from whom the race of the pharaohs sprang.

The Sacred Prayer, a "hermetical" text of Egyptian origin speaks of them with reverent awe as god-like people "devoted to the growth of wisdom".

These Followers of Horus brought people the knowledge of their "divine origins", by which means they united the country.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
The term "Shemsu-Heru" is incorrectly translated as "the companions of Horus".

Literally it means "the followers of Horus" and more precisely corresponds to the term "those who follow the way of Horus".

If we recollect that Horus symbolized the idea of harmony, the term "Shemsu-Heru" can also be translated as "those who follow the way of harmony" or the way of Ra.

The Shemsu-Heru were bearers of knowledge of a higher order from whom the race of the pharaohs sprang.

The Sacred Prayer, a "hermetical" text of Egyptian origin speaks of them with reverent awe as god-like people "devoted to the growth of wisdom".

These Followers of Horus brought people the knowledge of their "divine origins", by which means they united the country

Here is the bizarre way (nonetheless partially preserving the idea) in which this is mentioned in one of the texts of "The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day":

«…The Pharaoh sets off for the Duat. There he enters the 'Great House of the Two… the House of Fire' where in the course of the 'night of the calculation of years' he will be turned into the Divine Being and ascend 'to the eastern edge of the Heavens.

Passing through the lands of Horus, the Pharaoh approaches the domains of Seth.

It is important to note that passing through the "Lands of Horus" with whose name the "principle of harmony" had been associated since very ancient times is an allegorical way of referring to undergoing the first stage of harmonization, the stage of synchronizing the first energy body on the way to harmonizing the psycho-emotional state.

Symbolically this was depicted as "passing through the lands" or entering the "house" (informational space) of the first energy body of the human being and the Universe (God).

The journey continued with the "lands" or "house" of the second energy space (Domains of Seth).

A small, but very important digression.

One of the divine, in the true sense of the word, qualities of human beings lies in the fact that as soon as (he or she) they synchronize their bio-energy rhythms with the first five energy bodies of the Earth, all the "veils of maya" fall away and they begin to see the world with different eyes.

First, though, the pharaoh had to cross "the domains of Seth", which in practical terms was achieved by synchronizing the bio-energy rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the Earth and the human being.

When the pharaoh managed to synchronize his fifth energy body with the fifth energy body of the Earth, the "Middle Gate of Heaven" opened before him and he understood the world, seeing the gods. There was nothing that interrupted his gaze. (Nothing could be hidden away).

A person who has achieved this result has no need of aircraft to move his mind to other times and places to communicate with others like him.

The ancient texts refer to a person with such abilities as Osiris, a god and steward of the "Duat".

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Here is the bizarre way (nonetheless partially preserving the idea) in which this is mentioned in one of the texts of "The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day":

«…The Pharaoh sets off for the Duat. There he enters the 'Great House of the Two… the House of Fire' where in the course of the 'night of the calculation of years' he will be turned into the Divine Being and ascend 'to the eastern edge of the Heavens.

Passing through the lands of Horus, the Pharaoh approaches the domains of Seth.

It is important to note that passing through the "Lands of Horus" with whose name the "principle of harmony" had been associated since very ancient times is an allegorical way of referring to undergoing the first stage of harmonization, the stage of synchronizing the first energy body on the way to harmonizing the psycho-emotional state.

Symbolically this was depicted as "passing through the lands" or entering the "house" (informational space) of the first energy body of the human being and the Universe (God).

The journey continued with the "lands" or "house" of the second energy space (Domains of Seth).

A small, but very important digression.

One of the divine, in the true sense of the word, qualities of human beings lies in the fact that as soon as (he or she) they synchronize their bio-energy rhythms with the first five energy bodies of the Earth, all the "veils of maya" fall away and they begin to see the world with different eyes.

First, though, the pharaoh had to cross "the domains of Seth", which in practical terms was achieved by synchronizing the bio-energy rhythms of the first three energy bodies of the Earth and the human being.

When the pharaoh managed to synchronize his fifth energy body with the fifth energy body of the Earth, the "Middle Gate of Heaven" opened before him and he understood the world, seeing the gods.

There was nothing that interrupted his gaze. (Nothing could be hidden away).

A person who has achieved this result has no need of aircraft to move his mind to other times and places to communicate with others like him.

The ancient texts refer to a person with such abilities as Osiris, a god and steward of the "Duat".

Mural of the burial of Seti I in the Valley of the Kings.

Depicted in the upper part of the composition are nine bodies symbolizing the energy bodies of the human being, the fifth of which is the "Osirian".

It is placed in the fifth sector and above it is the familiar hieroglyph meaning Osiris.

In the present case it is the eye and throne of Osiris and thus the hieroglyph can be interpreted as follows: "the place [body] where God [the eye of god] sits enthroned or dwells".

The original meaning behind the cult of Osiris lay in the possibility of "intercourse with the gods" in a different state of consciousness through the fifth (Osirian) human energy body after its synchronization with the fifth energy body of the Earth.

This is one of the reasons why the Giza pyramid complex where synchronization of the fifth energy body took place was called the "fifth division of the Duat".

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Mural of the burial of Seti I in the Valley of the Kings.

Depicted in the upper part of the composition are nine bodies symbolizing the energy bodies of the human being, the fifth of which is the "Osirian".

It is placed in the fifth sector and above it is the familiar hieroglyph meaning Osiris.

In the present case it is the eye and throne of Osiris and thus the hieroglyph can be interpreted as follows: "the place [body] where God [the eye of god] sits enthroned or dwells".

The original meaning behind the cult of Osiris lay in the possibility of "intercourse with the gods" in a different state of consciousness through the fifth (Osirian) human energy body after its synchronization with the fifth energy body of the Earth.

This is one of the reasons why the Giza pyramid complex where synchronization of the fifth energy body took place was called the "fifth division of the Duat".

The "Duat" is one more mystery in the spiritual world of the ancients that Egyptologists have been unable to solve, a secret of which we shall reveal a little today.

The meaning that lies behind this word had an immense significance for Ancient Egyptian spiritual doctrine… and even more for us who try to rediscover what lies behind the ancient texts.

The concept of the Duat carries within it the idea of a universal energy structure of mutually interpenetrating energy planes, of the energy bodies of the Universe (ON) and of the human being, because this informational-energetic structure is one. The ancient symbol indicates this directly.

Just look at the pictogram representing the concept of Duat . The symbol conveys in a brilliantly simple, but absolutely precise and eloquent manner the idea behind the hieroglyph.

The five-pointed star is the symbol of human being with five axes of symmetry.

The convergence of these five rays into the point is a symbol of the convergence of the energy flows of five energy shells of the human being, the refraction (and interaction) of the five energy planes that form biological and energy structures of human being, while the circle around it is the symbol of the energy system, the aura around the body.

At the same time, depending on the context, the sign can convey the idea of a star and its surrounding informational-energetic field.

This symbol is organically connected with the teaching about the unity of energy-system structure Human Being–Earth–Universe.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
The "Duat" is one more mystery in the spiritual world of the ancients that Egyptologists have been unable to solve, a secret of which we shall reveal a little today.

The meaning that lies behind this word had an immense significance for Ancient Egyptian spiritual doctrine… and even more for us who try to rediscover what lies behind the ancient texts.

The concept of the Duat carries within it the idea of a universal energy structure of mutually interpenetrating energy planes, of the energy bodies of the Universe (ON) and of the human being, because this informational-energetic structure is one. The ancient symbol indicates this directly.

Just look at the pictogram representing the concept of Duat . The symbol conveys in a brilliantly simple, but absolutely precise and eloquent manner the idea behind the hieroglyph.

The five-pointed star is the symbol of human being with five axes of symmetry. The convergence of these five rays into the point is a symbol of the convergence of the energy flows of five energy shells of the human being, the refraction (and interaction) of the five energy planes that form biological and energy structures of human being, while the circle around it is the symbol of the energy system, the aura around the body.

At the same time, depending on the context, the sign can convey the idea of a star and its surrounding informational-energetic field.

This symbol is organically connected with the teaching about the unity of energy-system structure Human Being–Earth–Universe.

It is no coincidence that in some texts of "The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day" the Duat was depicted as a space delimited by the body of a god (human being, see fig. to the left).

Note that in the upper part of the Duat, represented in the image by the closed circle of the god there is an exit to the firmament (which was symbolized by the goddess Nut). From there it was possible to reach the Undying Star (symbolized by the Heavenly Disc).

An important detail of this depiction is that the "exit to the firmament" is located in the top of Nut's head, in the place where the column of energy (the flow of Ra) soars up from a human being's head. (See pic. to the right)

Let us return to the ancient text.

Let us return to the ancient text.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
It is no coincidence that in some texts of "The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day"
the Duat was depicted as a space delimited by the body of a god (human being,
see fig. to the left)

Note that in the upper part of the Duat, represented in the image by the closed
circle of the god there is an exit to the firmament (which was symbolized by
the goddess Nut). From there it was possible to reach the Undying Star
(symbolized by the Heavenly Disc).

An important detail of this depiction is that the "exit to the firmament" is located
in the top of Nut's head, in the place where the column of energy (the flow of Ra)
soars up from a human being's head. (See pic. to the right)

Let us return to the ancient text.

Fragment of a papyrus

In practical terms the Pharaoh obtained the blessing of the god for the crossing (the aid of divine force) as a result of certain preparation (practice). This picture shows, albeit in a very fanciful way, the use of the Wands of Horus to overcome the obstacle.

They are depicted beneath the hands of the walking figure.

Classical Egyptology interprets them as "a lake of water" or the "Great Green Lake".

It is obvious, however, that the reference is to a "source of energy" — two cylinders with waves depicted within them (symbolizing vibratory processes) that have to be applied to the palms.

It is noteworthy in this context that the energies radiated by the hands and chakras is green!

The "God of a Million Years" sitting alongside is also an energy being, since his body is covered with the tell-tale wavy lines that are a direct indication of his belonging to the energy plane. (See Appendix 14)

In his right hand the god holds a Khakh staff representing eternity and infinity.

By using the wands to synchronize his energy bodies and harmonize his psycho-emotional state, the Pharaoh obtained the opportunity to overcome the obstacle" and move on.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Fragment of a papyrus

In practical terms the Pharaoh obtained the blessing of the god for the crossing (the aid of divine force) as a result of certain preparation (practice).

This picture shows, albeit in a very fanciful way, the use of the Wands of Horus to overcome the obstacle.

They are depicted beneath the hands of the walking figure. Classical Egyptology interprets them as "a lake of water" or the "Great Green Lake".

It is obvious, however, that the reference is to a "source of energy" — two cylinders with waves depicted within them (symbolizing vibratory processes) that have to be applied to the palms. It is noteworthy in this context that the energies radiated by the hands and chakras is green!

The "God of a Million Years" sitting alongside is also an energy being, since his body is covered with the tell-tale wavy lines that are a direct indication of his belonging to the energy plane.

In his right hand the god holds a Khakh staff representing eternity and infinity.

By using the wands to synchronize his energy bodies and harmonize his psycho-emotional state, the Pharaoh obtained the opportunity to overcome the obstacle" and move on.

The main task and meaning of the action described here lay in overcoming the "swampy waters" (low-quality energies) separating the "lands of Horus" from the "lands of Seth" and then the actual dominions of Seth, avoiding encounters and conversations with anyone. (Contactees and practitioners, on the other hand, are keen to enter into conversation!)

Many of the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day mention "Beings that the 'departed' fear because they can harm them, carrying off their hearts. They are 'the belligerent gods dwelling in Annu (ON)' and Seth, the god of evil.".

If everything is done properly, though:

« The glistening Eye of Horus comes. It comes in calm (!) and sends ahead the rays of the light of Ra who lives on the horizon and it breaks down the powers of Seth in accordance with the direction… »

«…They make your way pleasant and cast down the demons of Seth in your name».

In other words, the person overcomes the obstacle and passes through the "lands of Seth" without the mishaps and dangers lying in wait for the uninformed.

An illustration (on the left) for another chapter shows the person described in the text moving ahead, making for Ra-Stau.

Ra-Stau (Ra-Setau) is the name given to the fifth division of the Duat, which translates literally as "the place of drawing through" into the other world. That is how the complex of great pyramids at Giza was called in ancient times. That means that the person described in the text went to Ra-Stau in order to pass into a different world.

The text states: "As for the 'reservoir of Ma'at' [the energies of the Law], it is the path for Abtu (the fifth, Osirian energy body) along which his father Tem travels when he goes to Sekhet-Aaru [the kingdom of Osiris in the Duat], the region that gives food and nourishment to the gods who are concealed… The gate of Tchesert is the gate of the Duat, the twin-leafed gate through which the god Tem passes when he makes for the eastern horizon of the heavens.»

The texts contain many chapters explaining the purpose of this journey. It involved passing through Amontet (the Duat) and entering the region of daylight where the Pharaoh, having vanquished Seth, met Osiris, his father (and entered into contact with the gods).

The main task and meaning of the action described here lay in overcoming the "swampy waters" (low-quality energies) separating the "lands of Horus" from the "lands of Seth" and then the actual dominions of Seth, avoiding encounters and conversations with anyone. (Contactees and practitioners, on the other hand, are keen to enter into conversation!)

Many of the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day mention "Beings that the 'departed' fear because they can harm them, carrying off their hearts. They are 'the belligerent gods dwelling in Annu (ON)' and Seth, the god of evil.".

If everything is done properly, though:

« The glistening Eye of Horus comes. It comes in calm (!) and sends ahead the rays of the light of Ra who lives on the horizon and it breaks down the powers of Seth in accordance with the direction… »

«…They make your way pleasant and cast down the demons of Seth in your name».

In other words, the person overcomes the obstacle and passes through the "lands of Seth" without the mishaps and dangers lying in wait for the uninformed.

An illustration for another chapter shows the person described in the text moving ahead, making for Ra-Stau.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Ra-Stau (Ra-Setau) is the name given to the fifth division of the Duat, which translates literally as "the place of drawing through" into the other world.

That is how the complex of great pyramids at Giza was called in ancient times.

That means that the person described in the text went to Ra-Stau in order to pass into a different world.

The text states: "As for the 'reservoir of Ma'at' [the energies of the Law], it is the path for Abtu (the fifth, Osirian energy body) along which his father Tem travels when he goes to Sekhet-Aaru [the kingdom of Osiris in the Duat], the region that gives food and nourishment to the gods who are concealed…

The gate of Tchesert is the gate of the Duat, the twin-leafed gate through which the god Tem passes when he makes for the eastern horizon of the heavens.»

The texts contain many chapters explaining the purpose of this journey. It involved passing through Amontet (the Duat) and entering the region of daylight where the Pharaoh, having vanquished Seth, met Osiris, his father (and entered into contact with the gods).